It must be a good month to be a kindergarten teacher. Happy Birthday to...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Day the Lights Were Out in Hurricane

What an exciting time it is when the lights are out. It is good to have those experiences every once in a while because we learn things. For example, some schools learned that letting the students into the school and try to use the hallways with teacher supervision didn't end with positive results.

I know it was cold yesterday but the teachers were scrambling using cell phones for light (a lesson learned. . .BUY flashlights) trying to work out a plan C (most if not all teachers regularly have a plan B already in place but often it required the use of electricity to complete the preparation) which would be beneficial to all of the students yet not require the electricity we take for granted.

I appreciate all of the parents that stayed to help the teachers once we were in the school and all of you who stayed with the children outside before school. It is comforting for the children to have you around when things are as unusual as a long power outage.

I want to let you know what happened once we started school. As the principal it was great to see. We are fortunate to only have 3 classrooms without windows to the outside. Those three classes had moved to double up with other classes or moved into a classroom used for special services. I went to every classroom before the lights came on. I was excited to see that everything was running as normal. All students who work with the special education teacher were there, every classroom was teaching reading, writing (mostly K-3rd grades), and math (4th-5th grades), students were complaining that they weren't allowed to just play, and this was something I was happy they were disappointed in. We have excellent teachers that are dedicated to the education of your children and the power outage was a great opportunity for that to be demonstrated.